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 MindNet Journal - Vol. 1, No. 90
     V E R I C O M M sm                 "Quid veritas est?"


By Mike Coyle

Copyright 1996 Mike Coyle
November 1996



As this is being written mankind faces the ultimate threat to
what remains of individual liberty and freedom. Our right, our
heritage of free will and creative thought is in danger of being
permanently denied by technology in the hands of bureaucrats,
bankers, elitists and their minions who serve a spiritual
conspiracy that dwells within, and can be aided by, each of us. A
tyranny which demands power over, and obeisance from, all others.

The most effective forms of mass mind control, i.e., behavior
control, that have been used throughout the history of mankind by
those who wish to conceal the true spiritual nature of life have,
up to now, used intermediate methods to manipulate the behavior,
attitudes and beliefs of man. These intermediate methods are as
simple as words. And indeed, that is what they are; words which
form religions, education, politics, economics, etc. Although the
use of words has reached a point using subliminal methods that
nearly skips the intermediate stage by entering directly into the
subconscious mind, new methods are being, and already have been,
developed to directly and remotely control human behavior at the
most basic neuronal level of the brain without the intermediate 
step. And, because of this it may be almost impossible to resist.

The hope is to present here enough evidence to convince the
reader of the reality, possibility and inevitability of the
technological development of machines which can control every
thought and action of all human beings. A total and absolute
dictatorship in the image of the machine. Welcome to The 
Influencing Machine.

Past and Present

"As well as having an armoury of tortures at its disposal, the
gang also mobilises various techniques of mind control. One of
these is 'brain-saying', which is a magnetically induced
sympathetic surveillance at a distance, a silent mode of
telepathic communication ... 'kiting', or the capacity to hijack
the brain and to implant thoughts in it beyond the control and
resistance of the sufferer..."[1]

- John Haslam, Director of Bethlem Hospital, London, 1810

"American interest in the hypnosis-EMR interaction was still
strong as of 1974, when a research plan was filed to develop
useful techniques in human volunteers. The experimenter, J.F.
Schapitz, stated: 'In this investigation it will be shown that
the spoken word of the hypnotist may also be conveyed by
modulated electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious
parts of the human brain -- i.e., without employing any technical
devices for receiving or transcoding the messages and without the
person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the
information input consciously'."[2]

- Robert O. Becker, Nobel Prize nominee, 1985

Although our modern electronic age has been in existence only
since the turn of this century, individuals have been claiming
that their minds were being remotely influenced and controlled by
machines for at least two centuries. The medical profession and
the public have classified people reporting these experiences as
delusional. The most common diagnosis has been what is now termed
Paranoid Schizophrenia, or what was formerly called Dementia

Many of the specific effects and experiences these people have
described can now be replicated by technology which can produce
exactly the same effects within the human organism. Can reports
of these experiences before the electronic age be dismissed as
simply the result of delusions? Can all reports of these
experiences in the present be dismissed as delusional when there
is documentation proving the existence of technologies which can
produce the exact same effects?

The Air Loom

The first recorded case of paranoia in medical literature was of
one James Tilly Matthews, a London tea broker who claimed his 
mind was being controlled by a gang operating a machine he
called an "Air Loom" which was hidden in a London cellar and sent
out invisible, magnetic rays. Matthews believed machines like 
the Air Loom were also controlling the minds of members of
the British Parliament. He wrote letters to its members warning
them about the machines and the conspiracy behind it. Matthews
was committed to Bethlem Hospital as being insane. His case was
published in 1810.[3]

It might be easy to dismiss Matthews' claims of a machine that
can control one's mind as simply the result of a delusion 
caused by a mental illness because of the early date. However,
we shall see that his is by no means an isolated case. Let us 
go back in history and look a bit closer at the details. But 
first, we must set the stage here in the present.

In 1994 Ronald K. Siegel, a Associate Research Professor in the
Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at UCLA,
wrote "Whispers: The Voices of Paranoia."[4] Dr. Siegel, an 
expert on hallucinations, edited a book on this subject in 1975
with Louis J. West of MKULTRA fame.[5]

etc., were covert CIA projects involving many prominent members
and institutions of the medical and scientific communities to
investigate and experiment with various forms of behavior
modification and control using, in many cases, unwitting human
subjects. In operation from the late 1940's until the early
1970's, they delved into everything from drugs to hypnosis to

"Whispers" is a collection of case histories of paranoia that
Siegel had studied. One of these cases is a man named Tolman who
believes that his mind is being controlled by computers via a
satellite system named POSSE (Personal Orbiting Satellite for
Surveillance and Enforcement). Siegel implies that claims like
this are similar to the James Tilly Matthews case.[7] And indeed 
they are, but it is clear that Siegel is trying to dismiss
Tolman's claims by implying that similar reports existed two
centuries before this technology could have existed.

Interestingly, author Dorothy Burdick, in her 1982 book "Such
Things Are Known" described what she claimed was her mind control
harassment by computers via satellites. She names Siegel as being
the inventor of a device named FOCUS (Flexible Optical Control
Unit Simulator) which can project hallucinations directly onto
the retina so that the subjects can't distinguish the images from
reality.[8] In Siegel's book Tolman claims that images are being 
directly transmitted into his brain. Siegel says, "You mean to
tell me that here are machines capable of sending visual images
directly into the brain?"[9] Burdick has been unwilling to 
divulge her source for the FOCUS information, and a search by
this author turned up nothing specifically on FOCUS. However, in
1968 Siegel published a professional paper titled "A Device for
Chronically Controlled Visual Input" which is a description of a
device he developed to project images directly into the brain of
experimental animals via the optic nerve. He suggests further
experimentation be "conducted on neonates (kittens) which have
their total visual stimulation controlled from the time they open
their eyes."[10]

The implication that Siegel presents concerning James Tilly
Matthews must be examined. In 1988, author Roy Porter presented a
much more thorough and enlightening reexamination of this case
and its startling connections to one of greatest events in
history -- the French Revolution.[11] He also found connections 
to one of the most curious and least understood developments of
the same period; the discovery of what we now call hypnotism,
then called "animal magnetism" by one of its first proponents,
Franz Anton Mesmer.[12]

Illustrations of Madness

Contrary to Siegel's implication, James Tilly Matthews was not
just a London architect who happened to fall prey to a mental
illness that was identified for the first time in published
medical literature. Titled "Illustrations of Madness," it was
written by John Haslam, who was in charge of Bethlem Hospital
where Matthews was incarcerated. The work also contained
Matthews' drawings of the Air Loom.

Actually employed as a tea-broker, Matthews in the early 1790's
had developed extensive contacts with David Williams who was
associated with Girondin leaders Le Brun and Brissot. During
1792, Matthews traveled between England and France carrying peace
overtures to the British government in the hope of preventing a
British declaration of war. He was arrested by the French in 1793
after the Jacobins came to power because he was suspected of
being a double agent. Held until 1796, and by his own account
probably tortured, the authorities finally released him after
determining that he was a "dangerous lunatic."[13] The Jacobin 
Club was a radical political club that played a controlling part
in the French Revolution and was founded by prominent
Freemasons.[14] The Jacobins were successful in advancing their 
radical cause over the more moderate Girondins and responsible
for sending thousands of their opponents to death on the
guillotine.[15] Michael Ramsey, a Scottish mystic, who had 
founded Knights Templar Freemasonry, created the Scottish degrees
of Freemasonry with his Jocobite cronies while in France where he
was tutoring the exiled sons of King James II during the early

Almost immediately on his return to England, Matthews began
writing letters to various members of parliament accusing them of
being involved in a plot to overthrow the British monarchy which
he claimed was connected to the same Jacobin forces that had
overthrown the French monarchy. "You and your fellow labourers in
iniquity caused the Insurrection in Paris on the Thirty First on
May Ninety Three," reads part of his letter to Lord Liverpool.[17]
Matthews was committed in 1797 to Bethlem after accusing the
ministry of "traitorous venality" from the gallery of the House
of Commons.[18]

Matthews insisted that the treasonous villains in this conspiracy
were employing gangs of experts in the use of magnetism, i.e.,
Mesmer's animal magnetism, to torture him, influence the minds 
of English authorities and to spy using the Air Loom. He claimed
that the French had being using mesmeric methods for military
purposes to cause the "surrendering to the French every secret 
of the British Government."[19]

Matthews was claiming that the French were experimenting with
hypnotism just as the CIA eventually would almost two centuries
later during their MKULTRA experiments, and for basically the
same purpose.

Many political ideologies of the time, Edmund Burke, John
Robinson, and the Abbe Barruel supported Matthews' contention
that the French Revolution was the result of a conspiracy
ultimately aimed at subverting European civilization and its
political structure.[20] However, the most radical elements of 
the revolution of 1793 were quite explicit about their desire to
export their anti-monarchist, republican ideals to the rest of
the world. Many Frenchmen believed that the repressed masses in
England and elsewhere were only waiting for a signal from Paris
to throw off their oppressors and establish international

Magnetic Mesmerism

The practices of Franz Mesmer, an 18th-century physician, became
fashionable in Paris during the 1770's. Mesmer was able to affect
medical cures by the use of a device he called a "baguet" which,
he claimed, was the source of a curative magnetic fluid or
current and a trance state he named "animal magnetism." The
baguet was actually a large tub of water that contained iron

The Mesmerists of this era had recently become interested in the
use of psychic powers -- "the sympathetic projection of thought
and ideas at a distance."[22] We shall see how this idea 
fit perfectly with Matthews' claims of mind control.

It is a historical fact that in 1784 the French government under
Louis XVI ordered a commission headed by Benjamin Franklin to
make a scientific investigation of Mesmer's claims.[23] Franklin, 
who had been a Freemason since at least 1731,[24] and company 
came to the conclusion that it was not the baquet that was 
responsible for the effective cures attributed to Mesmerism, 
but rather it was what we now call the hypnotic trance state, 
i.e., suggestion. In fact, Mesmer himself, unlike some of his 
dissenting followers, considered animal magnetism to be a 
dangerous and unwanted overload of the effects of baguet.[25]

Therefore, as early as 1784 the French government was aware that
the hypnotic trance was a scientific reality, and that it could
be used to affect the mind. At least one author has speculated
that a student of Mesmer's, Dr. Charles d'Eslon, physician to the
Count a'Artois, the king's youngest brother who was destined to
become Charles X of France, was possibly one of the
"illuminated," i.e., a member of Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati.[26] 
Adam Weishaupt, ex-Jesuit priest, founded the Illuminati in 1779
in the Strict Observance Lodge of Freemasonry of Munich,
Germany.[27] Significantly, it was d'Eslon who differed with his 
mentor in that he believed, as did the Franklin commission, that
it was the hypnotic trance which caused the cures by the power of

A number of authors have traced the origins of the French
revolution, as well as the European revolutions throughout the
nineteenth century, to Weishaupt's "revolutionary education,"
i.e., his desire to create a subversive secret society grafted
onto Freemasonry to topple the existing political and religious
order of the time. It has been speculated that many of the
Jacobin leaders were backed by the Illuminati.[28]

The idea of projecting thoughts and ideas at a distance finds its
parallel in James Matthews' descriptions of his torment, listed
here by John Haslam, then in charge of Bethlem Hospital.

"The Air Loom machine which assails Matthews, works on a variety
of fuels of a disgusting nature, including 'effluvia of dogs --
stinking human breath -- putrid effluvia -- ...stench of the
cesspool', and so forth. Its rays assault both the body and mind,
producing 'a list of calamities hitherto unheard of and for which
no remedy has been yet discovered'. These include 'Fluid
Locking', which renders Matthews speechless; 'Cutting Soul from
Sense', which causes his feelings to be severed from his
thoughts; 'Stone-making', which creates bladder stones;
'Thigh-talking', which produces the auditory distortion of one's
ear being in one's thigh; 'Kiteing', or the capacity to hijack
the brain and to implant thoughts in it beyond the control and
resistance of the sufferer; 'Sudden death-squeezing' or
'Lobster-cracking', which involve the deployment of a magnetic
field to stop the circulation and impede the vital motions;
'Stomach-skinning', which removes the skin from the belly;
'Apoplexy-working with the nutmeg grater', which violently forces
fluids into the head, often with lethal effects; 'Lengthening the
brain', or in other words, forcible thought distortion, which can
'cause good sense to appear as insanity, and convert truth to
libel'; 'Thought-making', which is the extraction by suction of
one train of thought and its replacement with another..."[29]

Matthews produced keyed diagrams of the Air Loom showing the
different levers that bring about the various tortures by
producing modulations of the magnetic waves and the members of
the gang which operated it. Although his family and many members
of the community tesified that he was a threat to no one,
Matthews eventually died in 1815 while still an inmate of

One explanation of Matthews' claims could be that the torture he
suffered while in prison caused a dissociative state that led to
a pyschopathy. The medical profession, the CIA, as well as many
others throughout history have discovered that torture, i.e.,
trauma, can cause a victim to enter a dissociate state.[31] 

Dissociation, defined as "a psycho-physiological process whereby
information -- incoming, stored, or outgoing -- is actively
deflected from integration with its usual or expected
associations,"[32] is the underlying mechanism for hypnosis.[33]
"The hypnotic trance represents the best example of an
artificially-induced dissociative state."[34] And the hypnotic
trance renders the subject highly receptive to suggestion.

Was Matthews simply insane or was there some actual connection to
a form of mind control from an exterior source? This is the very
question being faced today by many who are being presented with
claims by people who insist that they are victims of manipulation
by high-technology mind control devices. And just as almost two
hundred years ago the factors of psychology, hypnosis,
technology, and political conspiracies were intertwined, so today
the same conundrum arises. How can these alleged victims prove
that their cases are not simply the result of delusions?

We shall see that, unlike Matthews, today's victims can point to
a wealth of documentation proving that government agencies and
research centers have been developing technologies and methods
with the same capabilities that people have been describing for
two centuries. And that, lo and behold, these technologies
involve elements of psychology, hypnosis, political conspiracies,
and even devices that emit "rays" to control the behavior of
others without their knowledge or consent. Sound familiar?

[To be continued...]
"Drugs and other behavior controls may be available by the year 
2000 to produce personality changes at will, to reward 
activities by hormonal flows (perhaps by remote control) in ways 
that overcome rational or egoistic (or super-ego) objection to 
continuation of the activity, and to punish other activities. 
Alternative techniques include radio waves, ultrasonic impulses 
(that cause uneasiness), induced hallucinations, and various 
forms of educative devices operating from infancy. These may be 
so effective that continuous control techniques would be 
superfluous, although, available for obdurate cases. Much of 
this may even be available or imposed under the rubric of 
mental hygiene..."

- Herman Kahn, The Hudson Institute, "The Year 2000," 1967.


[1] Haslam, John, Ed. Porter, Roy, Illustrations of Madness,
London: Routledge, 1988, p. xxxiii.

[2] Becker, Robert O., Selden, Gary, The Body Electric, New York:
William Morrow, 1985, p. 321.

[3] Haslam, John, Illustrations of Madness, London: G. Hayden,

[4] Siegel, Ronald K., Whispers: The Voices of Paranoia, New
York: Crown Publishers, 1994.

[5] Siegel, R.K., West, L.J., Hallucinations: Behavior,
Experience, and Theory, New York: Wiley, 1975.

[6] Marks, John, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, New
York: Times Books, 1979.

[7] Siegel, Ronald K., Whispers: The Voices of Paranoia, New
York: Crown Publishers, 1994, pp. 54-88.

[8] Burdick, Dorothy, Such Things Are Known, New York: Vantage
Press, 1982, pp. 150-151.

[9] Siegel, Ronald K., Whispers: The Voices of Paranoia, New
York: Crown Publishers, 1994, p. 65.

[10] Siegel, R.K., "A Device for Chronically Controlled Visual
Input," Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 1968
Sept., 11(5), pp. 559-560.

[11] Haslam, John, Ed. Porter, Roy, Illustrations of Madness,
London: Routledge, 1988.

[12] Ibid., p. xvi.

[13] Ibid., pp. xv-xvi.

[14] Lunden, Sven G., Annihilation of Freemasonry, The American
Mercury, Eugene Lyons (editor), New York, feb. 1941, Vol. lII,
No. 206, p. 189.

[15] Microsoft; Funk & Wagnalls Corp., Encarta 96 Encyclopedia,
"Jacobins," 1996.

[16] Bramley, William, The Gods of Eden, New York: Avon Books,
1989, p. 236.

[17] Haslam, John, Ed. Porter, Roy, Illustrations of Madness,
London: Routledge, 1988, p. xxi.

[18] Ibid., p. xxiv.

[19] Ibid., p. xxxiv.

[20] Ibid., p. xxxvi.

[21] Moffett, Cleveland, The Reign of Terror, New York: Ballantine
Books, 1962, p. 69.

[22] Haslam, John, Ed. Porter, Roy, Illustrations of Madness,
London: Routledge, 1988, p. xxxvii.

[23] Frankau, Gilbert, (Introductory Monograph) Mesmerism by
Doctor Mesmer 1779, London: MacDonald, 1948, pp. 18-20.

[24] Bramley, William, The Gods of Eden, New York: Avon Books,
1989, p. 279.

[25] Spence, Lewis, An Encyclopaedia of Occultism, New York:
University Books, 1960, p. 218.

[26] Frankau, Gilbert, (Introductory Monograph) Mesmerism by
Doctor Mesmer 1779, London: MacDonald, 1948, p. 14.

[27] Bramley, William, The Gods of Eden, New York: Avon Books,
1989, p. 272.

[28] Raschke, Carl A., Painted Black, San Francisco: Harper & Row,
Publishers, 1990, p. 85.

[29] Haslam, John, Ed. Porter, Roy, Illustrations of Madness,
London: Routledge, 1988, pp. xxxii-xxxiii.

[30] Ibid., p. xxxviii.

[31] Ross, Colin, Trauma & Memory: Clinical Implications for
Treatment, MindNet Journal, Vol. 1, No. 80a-b, Apr. 1996.

[32] West, L.J., Dissociative reaction. In A.M. Freedman & H.I.
Kaplan (editors), Comprehesive Textbook of Psychiatry, Baltimore:
Williams and Wilkins Co., 1967.

[33] Ludwig, Arnold M., The Psychobiological Functions of
Dissociation, American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, Vol. 26, No.
2, Oct. 1983, p. 93.

[34] Ibid., p. 94.

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