Speak spirit! pt 1 or 2
September 7, 2015
The Final Race The year is 1964. My father’s father is lying in state in…
"... close to impenetrable ..."
September 7, 2015
The Final Race The year is 1964. My father’s father is lying in state in…
September 5, 2015
(Back of a tombstone, back like the cover of an old book. One (this one) can…
September 2, 2015
Complete Financialization of the Void Slim knows first hand the corrosiveness of melancholy, knew that…
August 31, 2015
This is for those clamoring (yeah right) for more info about Philadelphia and Neshoba. Very interesting…
August 25, 2015
Meetings on the Edge of Eternity It’s a good, albeit painful thing to be forced…
August 14, 2015
Well why not? O. and Slim are not done yet but for now some errant divagations…
August 14, 2015
Pa ‘n’ the boy taking a break from thinking about stuff. front of the house is…
August 10, 2015
(Boulevard du Temple, First known photograph by Daguerre of a human. The figure is close to…
August 7, 2015
If you were walking across a plain, had an honest intention of walking on, and yet…