Falling, Apart: Being, blown, apart
April 11, 2017
(Apparatus : footnotes) Keeping Up With BEING, Blown, Apartfootnotes to an absent text Fehta Murghana (collated…
"... close to impenetrable ..."
April 11, 2017
(Apparatus : footnotes) Keeping Up With BEING, Blown, Apartfootnotes to an absent text Fehta Murghana (collated…
April 10, 2017
konx (om pax) Fehta Murghana (we are grateful to the estate of Ms. Murghana for allowing…
March 21, 2017
Everything can be Law, in the form of obdurate, obsidian, breathless (literally, both in the sense…
March 17, 2017
… an activation of the rule, which destroys the rule’s claim to unity, we may term…
March 17, 2017
“Belief waits for the spectacular,and then invents it when needed.”Jean Luc Nancy, Noli Me Tangere “In…
March 16, 2017
Law, in it’s attempt to circumvent the teratological arising out of the divine, actually bridges ontologies,…
March 2, 2017
Getting A Head (paper delivered at Society for Science and Literature, October 2000) Robert R. Cheatham…
March 2, 2017
Kenosis: The False Meat of Empty Phil. 2:6 sqq.: “Who being in the form of God,…
March 2, 2017
A favorite illustration in physics regarding the relationship of theorized white holes to black holes: fold…
March 2, 2017
pt 3 “Only a resurrection redistributes death and life to their places, by showing that life…