Post Script to Law Life
January 24, 2017
footnote to previous part 2, regarding number and resurrection: “In effect, it is law at the…
"... close to impenetrable ..."
January 24, 2017
footnote to previous part 2, regarding number and resurrection: “In effect, it is law at the…
January 24, 2017
The Hemipygic Resurrection of the Glorious Body: The Law En-Fortressed and Made to Walkpart 2 I…
January 24, 2017
The (square root of two) Resurrection of the Body: Hyrdrocarbon Angels Streaming Down the Gulf pt…
January 20, 2017
from an installation: The Discovery of People in the Invisible Part of the Universe In the…
November 12, 2016
(from an installation) “For we live surrounded, in the invisible air, by wandering avengers who never…
September 30, 2016
From a project that never got projected: Exhaustion can be a paradoxical affect. It is at…
September 14, 2016
I have been visiting this house off and on for sixty plus years. It seems like…
September 6, 2016
Night Stand A student of mine commented to me that I seem to read a lot…
August 12, 2016
And speaking of abandon (which I am constantly thinking if not actually speaking) always confusing the…
August 12, 2016
Technically as a figure of speech, catatastrophe address the final event before (or as) the final…